Saturday, 30 July 2016

IF SUPER HEROES EXISTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                In the present world we find various cartoons and movies whcih are shot based on animations and suoer heroes. Youth and children are also showing a great intrest towards them. These movies and cartoons are taking the veiwers to a imaginary world. These have created a wide craze for themselves in the present world. 
                 It is a fantastic thought to have these superheroes in rela life. We could find solutions to each and every problem that has been left as a question mark since a long period of time. All the tough problems in the city would be solved by these super heroes. There are also chances for them to lead the country. They could ensure that democracy and  no one is cheated or exploited at any point of time. These super heroes can ensure world wide peace. They can stop all kinds of wars and fights that take place due to various purposes. we have many super heroes like iron man, hulk, captain america, thor, war machine, black widow, hawkeye, scarlet witch, quick silver, vision, superman, spiderman, X-men, etc ....etc.........

                  We know that bad exists everywhere. If we have super heroes, we would also have the evils existeing on earth trying to dstroy the world. Like Aldrich killian who lead the terrorist organisation named ten rings and tried to abduct tony stark in the movie iron man 3. Ivan vantoninch vanko who took a role of famous physicist and act as a antogonist in the movie of iron man 2. and we have many other villans like Loki, Ultron, and many other tried to destroy the world. so we would have people similar to them, who could destroy the world. 

             This imagination of super heroes is really a great thought but also have its own consequences.
So i feel it is better be happy with what we have and try to solve the present problems and be happy. So i conclude by conveying a message that we should be happy with what we have.

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