Sunday, 17 July 2016



       Everyone face problems in their own lives.They do many mistakes and try to reflect upon them.But once done it can not be redone.If I would have a planet for myself, i would start changing the world by making it convenient for everyone.It would be a place ideal for everyone.

          The people of the present wold had made it complicated.I would create a world which will be similar to olden lifestyle.This type of world mostly reduces work pressure over people.People in this world will work hard for just full filling their needs and some of the basic wants.The world without greedy people will be the most ideal world because it would be the most peaceful n healthy world with consideration of mental life.


           I would create my planet without currency because money is the main source for destruction of mankind.So my planet would rather have everything equally distributed for everyone.This would let each person earn his respect for his own hard work.Most of the complications of life would be taken out so that every person can lead a peaceful life.I would create a planet where people know that money can not buy health and happiness.   


                   There is nothing that is perfect.So what people of the planet can do is to just keep trying to make it perfect.My basic idea behind this planet to satisfy every person and lead a happy life.

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